Main Article Content
In the modern conditions of Russia's economic development, the problem of transferring agricultural lands to industrial and other special purpose lands is of particular relevance. This process is complex and multifaceted, requires careful analysis and development of effective solutions. This article will analyze the legal framework, which reflects the legal grounds for the transfer of agricultural lands to industrial lands and other special purposes. The main problems of legal regulation of translation are identified. Examples from judicial practice are given.
The purpose of this article is to study and analyze the Federal Law "On the Transfer of lands or land plots from one category to another" dated 21.12.2004 N 172-FZ (latest edition). This law regulates the procedure and conditions for the transfer of land from one category to another, in particular agricultural land to industrial land. The possibility of such a transition may be due to a change in the economic situation, the needs of regional development or the strategic goals of the state. By analyzing this law, we will be able to assess its effectiveness and identify possible difficulties that its application may face.
Article Details
2. Federal Law "On the Transfer of Lands or land plots from one category to another" dated 21.12.2004 N 172-FZ (latest edition)
3. Decision of September 3, 2020 in case no. A28-4090/2020 Arbitration Court of the Kirov region (AS of the Kirov region)
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