Main Article Content
The article is devoted to the issues of rational and efficient use of land in rural areas and settlements, the solution of which largely depends on the correct organization of territorial planning, including urban planning zoning of lands in settlements that cover the main areas of residence of the population, as well as all necessary engineering, residential, transport and other infrastructure. infrastructure to create social sustainability and improve conditions for a comfortable life for the population. When ensuring sustainable development of rural areas, indicators of the state of the natural environment in the locality are also taken into account, forming its potential for the future, improving the state of the environment.
For a comprehensive and detailed analysis of rural areas, a methodology for organizing the use of territories of settlements is used, which is based on conducting their comprehensive analysis, taking into account the main factors of sustainable development for the long-term period.
Based on the analysis of the territorial organization of the lands of the village of Sladkovo, in order to create a system of long-term development and increase the level of landscaping and landscaping of the territory, it was proposed to develop a project for an integrated park with an area of 7.76 hectares, which will increase the indicator of green areas of the village and provide the population with additional area of recreational areas and related services.
Article Details
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