Main Article Content
The article considers the results of the analysis of land use in the municipal district of Omsk region for 2011-2022. The methodology of the analysis is a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the organisation of land use. On the example of the municipal area the distribution of lands by administrative division in the context of rural settlements, by purpose, by land area, by form of ownership is considered. Eleven rural settlements are located on an area of 475 thousand hectares. The share of agricultural land is 43 per cent, of which 12 per cent is arable land. Among non-agricultural lands, a significant share is accounted for by forest areas - 30 per cent and marshes - 22 per cent. The quality of used lands is analysed by the development and spread of negative processes: erosion, waterlogging, overwatering, salinization and presence of solonetz complexes. It was revealed that 66% of agricultural lands are subject to unfavourable physical and geographical processes: erosion - 4%, salinisation - 24%, waterlogging - 2%, overwatering - 18%, presence of solonts and solonetz complexes - 17%. The study carried out an index assessment of landscape-ecological conditions of land use organisation. The index method of assessment combined a system of indicators reflecting both positive and negative aspects of the environmental situation, and also showed the strengths and weaknesses of the study area. From the landscape-ecological point of view, the indicators of Kolosovsky district deviate insignificantly from the normative value, but, nevertheless, factors of tense ecological situation are identified in the territory. The analysis of the organisation of land use of the municipal district has revealed both unfavourable natural conditions and development opportunities, a large resource potential for the transition to sustainable development of the region.
Article Details
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