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The article presents the results of breeding work in the conditions of Central Yakutia. Selection work began in 1928, with the creation of the Yakut Regional Agricultural Experimental Station, on the basis of which the Yakut State Breeding Station was organized in 1939. In 1956, the Yakut Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture was created. Currently, 29 varieties of agricultural crops have been created and zoned at the YSRIA, and 5 varieties are being tested at the State Variety Testing. For grain crops, productive, resistant to diseases and lodging, with high grain quality wheat varieties Prilenskaya 6 and Prilenskaya 19, Tuymaada, oats Pokrovsky, Pokrovsky 9, Vilensky, barley Talba, winter rye Cholbon have been created and zoned. Breeding work of grain crops is based on the creation of hybrid material by the method of intraspecific hybridization with subsequent evaluation of hybrid lines in breeding and control nurseries. Primary seed production is carried out using 7 zoned varieties. 20 varieties of forage crops of various types of use have been created. Of these, 13 varieties are included in the State Register of the Russian Federation, and 1 variety is undergoing state variety testing. In breeding, local wild and foreign varieties from the collection of the All-Russian Research Institute are being tested for economically useful traits. N.I. Vavilov and other research institutions in Russia and Kazakhstan. Seed production is carried out using 6 zoned varieties. Potato varieties Yakutyanka and Severny have been created and zoned; a new potato variety, Elley, with an average yield of 27 t/ha is being tested at the State Variety Testing. A technology has been developed for the reproduction and cultivation of seed potatoes based on the use of healthy source material and maintaining it in a healthy condition based on diagnostics and special agrotechnical measures.
Article Details
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