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Нарыйа Семеновна Яковлева Полина Петровна Охлопкова Саргылана Петровна Ефремова


 The results of studies of ecological potato variety testing (2019 - 2021) are presented. The purpose of the study is to assess the ecological plasticity and stability of promising potato hybrids in the conditions of Central Yakutia, calculated because of "yield". Mathematical data processing was carried out according to the method of Eberchart S.A. and Russel W.A. as presented by V.Z. Zykin. The coefficient of linear regression (bi), which characterizes the ecological plasticity of the variety, and the standard deviation from the regression line (Sd2), which determines the stability of the variety under various environmental conditions, are calculated. The meteorological conditions during the years of the study were varied, which made it possible to give a comprehensive assessment of the studied varieties. The index of environmental conditions in our studies varied over the years from 1.04 to -2.80. As a result of the research, samples 232 (Aurora x Bonus), 233 (Slavyanka x Razolind), 239 (Ladoga x Razolind) were selected, which have high plasticity and high stability (bi = 1, 25 – 1, 5; Sd2 = 0, 77 - 0, 9). Hybrids 216 (Dachny x 128 - 6) and 241 (Kolobok x Adretta) (bi = 1,2 – 1,5; Sd2 = 1,8 – 3,6) are distinguished by high plasticity and medium stability.

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Crop husbandry


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