Main Article Content
The study is of a scientific and methodological nature, covers one of the problems in the design of drainage on the peatlands of Western Siberia - the problem of forecasting and accounting for changes in the properties of the upper horizons of peat deposits caused by the presence of long-term permafrost phenomena. In this case, the work is devoted to the analysis of existing methods for determining one of the key parameters of drainage, as the wind distance.
The ultimate goal of the research is to increase the accuracy and reliability of existing calculation methods due to additional coverage of factors related to changes in the water-physical properties of frozen horizons, the duration of their existence. The specific features of frozen peat create for designers the problem of the unsuitability of some methods for determining the distance between the regulatory elements of reclamation systems.
When designing drainage systems, three main methods for determining the distances between drains have been used: empirical, technical-economic and hydromechanical. Each of the methods has both advantages and disadvantages when calculating drainage on drained peat bogs. Determination of distances between drains by theoretical formulas in some cases gives significant discrepancies with experimental data obtained in the field or by mathematical modeling. This is due to the hydrodynamic conditions of the movement of water to the drain in the presence of long-term permafrost phenomena, which differ significantly from the standard conditions used by the authors when developing formulas.
The main substantive part of the work provides an analysis of calculation methods and calculation formulas used to determine the wind distance on drained peat bogs.
The results of field research are compared with theoretical studies, and a concrete example of calculation is given. Recommendations on the practical use of methods and calculation formulas for determining the distance between winds during drainage of peat landscapes of Western Siberia are offered.
Article Details
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