Main Article Content
This article presents the results of a synchronous study of materials from scientific electronic libraries eLIBRARY and CyberLeninka over a forty-year period, devoted to issues of interdisciplinary connections in the field of food security through quantitative and qualitative content analysis. The purpose of the work is to determine the significance of the main trends in the development of food security for scientific and expert communities, the public and the political establishment in time differentiation. Tasks aimed at achieving this goal include analyzing the time distribution of publications covering food topics. Analysis of modern trends in food security made it possible to identify among them the main (background), complementary and newly formed ones. As a result of the study of the semantic content of publications, organized by continuous sampling according to given discourse markers, the frequency distribution of materials by year was revealed, indicating the relatively greatest, but short-term interest in the selected thematic areas. For each emerging trend, macro-topics of publications have been identified that reveal the most significant problem of food supply for the scientific reader within the framework of the topic of analysis. At the same time, the economic trend was considered to be the main one, while all the others that determine it are agricultural, legal, moral and spiritual, environmental and biotechnological. Aspects of economic and physical availability of food, as well as aspects of species sufficiency and quality of food, have become the highest priority for scientific and political audiences. The article notes that the identified trends in the field of food security do not mean they are forgotten and can be a valuable addition to the analysis of other trends, thereby expanding the range of views presented. In summary, the author notes that a small part of scientific works attracts special attention to little-studied food topics, while making a conscious “call” for a more detailed consideration of them, the meaningful presentation of which can become scientific topics for research.
Article Details
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