Main Article Content
The article deals with an important topic of assessing the digital maturity of agricultural organizations in the region in the context of the digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex (AIC). The purpose of the study is to identify the most effective practices and approaches that can be used to increase the level of digital maturity of agricultural organizations. This requires organizations in agriculture to expand their digital capabilities and adapt to new technologies. This process, known as the digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex, is necessary to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the industry. The article discusses the methodology for assessing the digital maturity of agricultural organizations, which can serve as a tool in the process of digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex of the region. The authors suggest using various indicators, such as the availability and use of digital resources, the use of digital technologies in production processes, the possession of digital skills and training of personnel, the efficiency of using information systems and technologies, as well as the level of technical infrastructure. Digital maturity assessment allows agricultural organizations to determine their current level of readiness for digital transformation and identify potential areas for improvement. In addition, this methodology can identify the best practices and experience of implementing digital technologies in agricultural organizations, which promotes knowledge exchange and stimulates innovation in the industry. In conclusion, the article emphasizes the need to assess the digital maturity of agricultural organizations for the successful digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex of the region. This will allow agricultural organizations to develop their digital capabilities, increase production efficiency and increase their competitiveness in modern conditions.
Article Details
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