Main Article Content
Accelerated changes in the external environment, paradigms of social development, changes in economic stages and the advent of the knowledge economy are constantly complicating the requirements for business. Previously useful material assets may depreciate, and classical management theories do not always allow one to find an adequate and timely solution. The cost of error or delay in making a decision is constantly increasing. The low efficiency of management in modern economic conditions is recognized by leading scientists and managers of large global companies.
Article Details
Agricultural economics and policies
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8. Tsypkin Y.A., Fomin A.A., Gubarev E.V., Kamaev R.A., Kozlova N.V. STRATEGIC DIGITAL MODEL FOR SUSTAINABLE SPATIAL REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT // V sbornike: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Ser. "International Symposium "Earth Sciences: History, Contemporary Issues and Prospects"" 2020. S. 012138.
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10. Zamana S., Sorokina O., Shapovalov D., Fomin A., Petrova L., Fomkin I., Potanina Y. // DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL ECOTOURISM ON THE YURSHINSKY ISLAND OF RYBINSK RESERVOIR // V sbornike: E3S Web of Conferences. Ser. "International Scientific and Practical Conference "Environmental Risks and Safety in Mechanical Engineering", ERSME 2020" 2020. S. 05002
2. Bobchinskii A.E. Issledovanie protsessa formirovaniya programmy ustoichivogo razvitiya korporatsii // Izvestiya SPBGEHU. 2023. №3-2 (141). 188
3. Butvilovskii V. V. O realiyakh «Ustoichivogo razvitiYA» // Izvestiya AO RGO. 2019. №2 (53). 13
4. Gus'kova N.D. Strategicheskoe upravlenie ustoichivym razvitiem predpriyatii malogo biznesa // Regionologiya. 2021. №2 (115). 327
5. Si Fuyuan' Razvitie kontseptsii ustoichivogo razvitiya // Innovatsii i investitsii. 2022. №1. 9
6. Fomin A.A., Mamontova I.YU. // SOSTOYANIE ZEMEL'NYKH I VODNYKH RESURSOV PLANETY I METODY USTOICHIVOGO VEDENIYA SEL'SKOGO KHOZYAISTVA // Mezhdunarodnyi sel'skokhozyaistvennyi zhurnal. 2022. № 4 (388). S. 420-422.
7. Tagarov B.ZH. Tseli realizatsii kontseptsii ustoichivogo razvitiya na raznykh urovnyakh ehkonomicheskoi sistemy // KEH. 2021. №3. 836
8. Tsypkin Y.A., Fomin A.A., Gubarev E.V., Kamaev R.A., Kozlova N.V. STRATEGIC DIGITAL MODEL FOR SUSTAINABLE SPATIAL REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT // V sbornike: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Ser. "International Symposium "Earth Sciences: History, Contemporary Issues and Prospects"" 2020. S. 012138.
9. Udovik E.EH. Ustoichivoe razvitie regiona // Strukturnaya i tekhnologicheskaya transformatsiya Rossii: problemy i perspektivy. Ot plana GOEHLRO do nashikh dnei. 2021. №1. 6598.
10. Zamana S., Sorokina O., Shapovalov D., Fomin A., Petrova L., Fomkin I., Potanina Y. // DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL ECOTOURISM ON THE YURSHINSKY ISLAND OF RYBINSK RESERVOIR // V sbornike: E3S Web of Conferences. Ser. "International Scientific and Practical Conference "Environmental Risks and Safety in Mechanical Engineering", ERSME 2020" 2020. S. 05002