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Ольга Владимировна Ильинова Александр Геннадьевич Руденко Александр Александрович Руденко Вадим Олегович Копин Ольга Николаевна Пронская


The article assesses the level of state support for the self-employed in the Kursk region.  The relevance of the study is explained by the fact that self-employment is a modern and promising form of economic activity of citizens, which is supported by the state.

In order to conduct a study on the initiative of the Autonomous Non-profit Organization "My Business Center of the Kursk Region", a survey was conducted aimed at assessing the level of state support for the self-employed in the Kursk region. The survey was conducted among individuals applying the special tax regime "Professional Income Tax" (self-employed citizens) and operating in the Kursk region.The survey form was also posted on the official website of mb46.rf. 198 respondents took part in the survey.The study used methods of comparison and analysis.

The identified trends in the development of the business entities under consideration allow us to form directions for their improvement: popularization of entrepreneurship, publication in the media and on Internet portals of vivid success stories of Kursk entrepreneurs and the self-employed; development of business services that will provide services on the principle of "one window"; expansion of consulting and information support for small businesses; popularization of basic support measures self-employed from the state: tax deduction when paying income tax;  financial support from the state; subsidies from the employment center; additional assistance to the self-employed.

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Land economics and policies


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