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Александр Владимирович Зотов


For the productive solution of the tasks set, enterprises of all sectors of the economy build their business model, which consists of interrelated processes that assist in regulating the activities of employees, establishing relationships with partners and customers, and promoting their products. The article discusses the issues of process management and its specifics in fisheries and agro-industrial complexes. The process approach is the most effective from the point of view of business management. It makes it possible to focus on the finished product of the business, and, most importantly, to interest each employee in the final result. The author considers the essence of the concept of "business process", defines and characterizes the main elements of the structure of the business process of the enterprise, summarizes the characteristic features and highlights the main types of business processes in agricultural enterprises. As a result of the study, it was noted that the business processes of agro-industrial and fisheries enterprises have certain specifics, which is due to their industry specialization, size and management structure, as well as the influence of macroeconomic factors.

Article Details

Aquatic sciences and fisheries


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