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Павел Вадимович Черданцев


The main goal of any enterprise is to maximize profits, respectively, the search for internal reserves for its growth is the most important task for every agricultural producer. At a time when the consequences of anti-Russian sanctions complicate the already difficult work of dairy subcomplex enterprises, effective decisions are required to help maintain production profitability at a level not lower than critical, while it is important not only to increase milk production volumes, but also to ensure its high quality. Monitoring the efficiency of milk production and taking corrective measures based on it will contribute to the full use of the existing potential of the agro-enterprise. The article examines the activities of Voskhod-Agro LLC, an enterprise of the dairy and food subcomplex of the Perm Territory, and substantiates the need to use the internal reserves of the enterprise to increase production volumes and ensure a reduction in the cost of milk production.

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Animal production


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