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Ирина Павловна Чупина Елена Васильевна Зарубина Наталья Николаевна Симачкова Любовь Михайловна Стахеева Наталья Борисовна Фатеева


The use of new technologies in agriculture is not limited to computers. New technologies can control the full cycle of growing plants in crop production - from planting and watering to harvesting. This takes into account the microclimate in which the plants are grown, the soil composition, as well as the lighting of smart greenhouses if the plants are not grown in open ground.

       In Russia, a departmental project “Digital Agriculture” has been developed, the goal of which is the digital transformation of agriculture. This project is designed for a significant increase in production in all sectors of the agro-industrial complex. To do this, it is necessary to introduce new technologies at agricultural enterprises. Such technologies include software systems that can control farms, drones and drones to obtain information about the composition of the soil for precision agriculture. New technologies also include city farms for growing herbs, berries and vegetables in modernized systems using hydroponics instead of conventional soil.

       The relevance of this article lies in the use of new technologies at domestic enterprises of the country’s agricultural and industrial complex. New technologies are not only a tool for increasing labor productivity in enterprises, but also increasing the competitiveness of domestic agriculture. The purpose of this article is to study new technologies that are already used in the Russian agricultural complex of the country. The article uses such research methods as methods of analysis and synthesis to consider the application of new technologies in crop and livestock products. The comparative analysis method is applicable when analyzing indicators for improving labor productivity in agricultural enterprises.

       The introduction talks about the need to use new technologies in all areas of production. The main part examines new technologies that are already used in domestic agriculture. In conclusion, the authors summarize the implementation of new technologies and emphasize that the modernization of agriculture affects import substitution of products, which makes it possible to be independent from import supplies of not only agricultural products, but also seeds, vaccines for animals and agricultural machinery.

       For the research results, the article used a statistical method to analyze data on the number of new farms that were opened in 2022. Methods of analysis and synthesis are used to comparatively characterize the use of new technologies in production. The comparative analysis method was used by the authors in their conclusions when summing up the use of new technologies in the country’s agricultural and industrial complex.

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