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Юлия Петровна Ковалева Вячеслав Александрович Тарбеев Софья Анатольевна Мамонтова Ольга Павловна Колпакова Ольга Игоревна Иванова


The article analyzes the current technical state of the reclamation complex of the Republic of Khakassia and provides an assessment of the reclamation state of irrigated arable land based on agrochemical indicators. It is shown that the main areas of reclaimed land are concentrated within the Koibalskaya and Abakanskaya steppes of the Minusinsk hollow on low-fertility and eroded chestnut and dark chestnut soils. The main types of irrigated agricultural land are hayfields and pastures. The soil fertility of reclaimed arable land is characterized by low and medium content of humus and available phosphorus, therefore the soils require annual application of organic and phosphorus fertilizers in high doses. Based on exchangeable potassium and acidity, the soil condition is assessed as good and does not require fertility regulation using chemicals. The technical condition of reclamation systems indicates a high degree of deterioration of the reclamation complex and the need to take measures for its overhaul and reconstruction. One of the most important tasks is to stimulate agricultural producers growing products on reclaimed lands by reducing the tax burden or subsidizing the costs of maintaining reclamation systems in working order.

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Agricultural economics and policies


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